Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Just an update

I haven't updated this blog all week b/c I am still trying to recover from the lack of sleep and fatigue that washed over me the past 2 weeks. It has been one big rollercoaster ride with my emotions. We have a lot of family drama going on (that I don't want to get into to right now). My mom is moving in with my sister and her family this weekend. Trying to pack a house that they never threw stuff away is tough. My granddaddy was one of those people who kept EVERYTHING. My other sister is still pregnant. She is due in 9 days now. She and her boyfriend moved into the house with his uncle (who is older and has dementia). Don't know how all that is going to work out when she has the baby, but they will make do. My mom is moving in with my sister b/c she is leaving my stepdad. He has been terrible to my entire family. Speaking horribly to all of us and I, for one, am tired of it. My child is scared of him. She finally told him that she wanted to leave him. But, mom is disabled so she needs someone with her during the day thus the reason she is going to my sister's. She will be done with school on May 5th. and will be available to mom during the day. I am working full time right now and it would be easier to have mom come here, but nobody is here during the day. We will try this out and see how it goes.
Tori has her State Meet this Sat. at 5pm. I absolutely love gymnastics competition season, but I am rather glad it is coming to a close for now. She is leaving on Sunday to go to Disney World without me. I went ahead and took the week off from work though so I could catch up. My husband and I spent our 11th. wedding anniversary at the funeral home so we want to be able to do something together new week. I will do better at updating next week hopefully. Maybe I will be able to tell you that Tori-bug won State Champion then too.


1 comment:

The Foster Home said...

Hang in there girl!! I will be praying for your strength (and sanity) through all of this.