Sunday, December 6, 2009

We interrupt this regularly scheduled program! Well, sort of....

Tori-bug had her first gymnastics meet of the season yesterday. Sort of. Technically her season starts in January every year, but we had the chance to do a "brush up" meet yesterday. Really just to see where the girls were and what they needed to work on before the season begins. BUT..... it was a sanctioned meet and the scores counted. The girls have to have at least two 32's to go to the STATE meet every season so if they scored at least a 32 yesterday it only helped them. If they didn't, it really didn't go against them. Well........ my Tori-bug got a 35.55 all-around!! I am so proud of her. I would be proud of her even if she didn't make it, but she did her best and ended up with great scores. A little stress for sure. She doesn't get nervous at all before meets, but I usually am for some reason. I just want her to have fun and do it safely. In fact, that is what I tell her before EVERY meet. I am still nervous for her b/c she sets such high standards for herself. I want her to enjoy gymnastics for years to come so I am so thankful that she doesn't feel pressured to "perform" at someone else's standards. She came home with two 2nd. place scores in beam and bars. She got 4th. in vault and floor. Her floor routine was really good (according to her mama anyways). She got all the skills and bonuses, but she didn't end spot-on with the music. All of the girls music was cut short 3 days before the meet so she didn't have a lot of time to get the beat down pact. She was scared she would finish after the music ended so she rushed and ended up ending a few seconds before the music. They apparently count off big time for that b/c she ended up with a 8.950 and 4th. place. Still a great score, but for landing all the skills--- round off double back handspring and a front handspring, not as high as I thought. She definitely needs to work on "selling" her song. I was a really bad mama and didn't take my video camera with me to the meet so I don't have video to post. One of these days I am going to get a video posted though. The rest of the scores were: Beam- 9.050, Bars- 8.7, Vault- 8.8. She got second place All-Around.

Joy left her a note and 30 treat bags for her gymnast teammates. The note said to take the treat bags filled with hugs and kisses and a candy cane to the meet with her. Joy also said she wanted to go to the meet. The same day she left all of our clean underwear all over the undecorated Christmas tree. We don't have our tree decorated yet b/c we haven't been able to get to our Christmas stuff b/c we are finishing our basement. It was supposed to be done when we got home on Saturday, but he needs about 3 more hours to finish on Monday. Hopefully he will get it done tomorrow and then we can get on with getting our Christmas stuff out.

Tori-bug's 2nd. place All-around trophy and four medals!! She loves coming home with SOMETHING!! We should be back to Joy adventures this week so I will post when the mischief continues tomorrow.

Proud of my baby girl,


Debbie said...

I can understand your being proud. That is exciting for her to do so well.

Thank you for dropping by my blog and commenting. I didn't realize the lines were so long at her signings. I can't wait that long either. I have to be at work early on Tuesday. Oh well, at least she is willing to sign the books if I send them to her.

Thanks again.

Joy said...

I am so excited for you. You did an outstanding job at your meet and I'm glad I got to go. I think the team enjoyed their goody bags. I am enjoying my visit with you so far!

Love, Joy