Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Things I hate

Isn't hate a really strong word? Today I was talking to Tori-bug on the way home from school. You know how it goes.....
Me: "So, how was school today?"

Tori: "Fine".

Me: "Anything exciting at school today?"

Tori: "No, but mama, I hate peanut butter and they had PBJ sandwiches for lunch today!"

So, I got to thinking about all the things that I dislike.
1. PEANUTS!! I hate peanuts. The only nuts I will eat are boiled peanuts.
2. Colonial bread. I only eat Sunbeam.
3. All brands of mayonnaise except Blue Plate. The South, baby... The South...
4. Unsweet tea. (see reference to the South above).
5. All things diet.... (diet Coke, diet cookies, diet everything). It just doesn't taste good.

So, there is my short list. I try to stay positive so soon I will write a list of things that I love.

See ya,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

HATE is a bad word!! Dislike is much better word.