Saturday, January 17, 2009


I should first start out telling you that I have the best husband on the planet. I really don't know how I got so lucky. The man will help with the house, laundry, kids, etc.
I will give you a little background information now. I have been suffering with back pain for now over 4 years. Terrible! I suffered a fall back in July 2004 where I fell down a 100 ft. natural rock water slide. My family and I had been camping that weekend in the mountains and at the end of the weekend decided to hike down into the gorge. You have to have a special permit and all that wonderful jazz to even go down into it. At the bottom of the gorge is a beautiful natural rock waterslide that people can slide on. To make a long story short, I sat down in the water, not intending to slide, and got caught up in the current where the water swooshed me down an uncontrolled slide and I hit a very pointed rock on the way down. STRAIGHT UP MY CRACK!! Yikes! When I landed at the bottom, I was in excrutiating pain, but I had to get out. I lay the next 2 hours on my belly on a rock until I felt I could make the climb back up the mountain to the top. I went to my doctor the next day. After several weeks of pain I discovered that I needed to have my tailbone removed. I did in August of that year. I was painfree for about 7 months after the surgery then woke up one day with my back hurting. It has hurt almost every day since then. I have bounced around from doctor to chiropractor to accupuncturist. I found out that I have a bulging disc and a pars defect on both sides from the initial injury. I am again in physical therapy. My husband surprised me this week with a massage to a spa. I had been getting one about every month which does help, but "my girl" (my massage therapist) moved and I haven't been able to get in touch with her so I tried out this new spa today. My husband called for me, made the appt., paid for it, and told me when to go. He even arranged a babysitter for Tori-bug. All I will say about that is ummmm....... oh how I love that man! The massage was wonderful and so is he.
PS... When I make my list of things I love, he will be at the top and massages should definitely be somewhere in the mix.

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