Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Settling down

Things are finally settling down from all the drama around us the past few weeks. My granddaddy is home and feeling better. My mom went to the pulmonologist yesterday and was told that she had even less lung capicity than she did 3 years ago. She had only about 30% of lung function in 2006 and when they repeated it yesterday it was significantly worse. I knew that in my heart, but it still hurt to know the truth. Mom was a bad smoker for a lot of years and started when she was about 13 or 14 years old. Her mom died of COPD, but had not smoked in 30 years prior to passing away. Her father (my granddaddy) has COPD, but he has not smoked in 30 or more years either. Her brother has COPD and continues to smoke. My brother is a smoker and I would love for him to quit, but so far he has not decided to commit to that. Mom's pulmonary function test was so bad that the doctor wouldn't even tell me what percentage is was yesterday b/c it really won't make a difference at this point. She can't regain it and will eventually just suffocate to death. She is not smoking so that is good. She is only 54 and probably (no doubt) not live to be in her 60's. It saddens me. My mom has always been my best friend and I can't even stand the thought of losing her. We are all going to go one day and I am glad that I know where I am going when I go. Mom does too. So less stressed and tired this week, but still going through each day. It is honestly a full time job with trying to take care of her and my grandfather. That is with three of us full time. Both of my sisters too.
My Tori-bug has a meet this coming Sat. Bless her heart she had a great meet last Sat., but her team was swept away by another gym. They are truly in a different league than us and we will have to compete against them at State and again at our home gym on March 28th. Our girls have the ability to do well against them, but we didn't bring it this past week. We have to next time. I will always think my Tori-bug is number 1 no matter what.
Thanks for checking in this week. If you find it in your heart to lift up a few prayers for my sanity and my mom and grandfather we could use them :-)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am glad to hear your granddaddy is doing better and I am so sorry about the news your mama got this week. I will send a prayer for her and you too.
Tell Tori we said good luck in her meet.