Sunday, December 6, 2009
We interrupt this regularly scheduled program! Well, sort of....
Joy left her a note and 30 treat bags for her gymnast teammates. The note said to take the treat bags filled with hugs and kisses and a candy cane to the meet with her. Joy also said she wanted to go to the meet. The same day she left all of our clean underwear all over the undecorated Christmas tree. We don't have our tree decorated yet b/c we haven't been able to get to our Christmas stuff b/c we are finishing our basement. It was supposed to be done when we got home on Saturday, but he needs about 3 more hours to finish on Monday. Hopefully he will get it done tomorrow and then we can get on with getting our Christmas stuff out.
Tori-bug's 2nd. place All-around trophy and four medals!! She loves coming home with SOMETHING!! We should be back to Joy adventures this week so I will post when the mischief continues tomorrow.
Proud of my baby girl,
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Joy got into the Fritos
Tori-bug had wrote to her in the journal yesterday asking her how old she was this year. Joy wrote back some time today when we were gone saying that elves don't age so she was still 9. She had gotten into the Fritos and left a big mess on the counter. She said she was hungry or something because of the long trip from the North Pole.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Oh Joy!! Oh Joy!!
Today is December 1st. and Joy has arrived!!
She was under our undecorated Christmas tree when we got home from gymnastics.
She came with a pair of new Christmas pajamas, her journal, and a box of jellybeans.
Tori-bug wrote a note to her underneath her note that said she was back.
She said, "Hey Joy. I was scared you would not come back but you did! How old are you now?"
I'm 9!
Joy told Tori-bug last year that she was 9, so I have a feeling she is going to reply that she is now 10 years old, but we will see.
Either way, Tori-bug was ecstatic that she was here for the month. I don't know how much she is going to be getting into, but I think I have finally convinced Tori-bug into feeding her jelly beans in the mornings when we leave for school and work instead of at night. When we come home in the evenings we can clean up the mess. I don't have time to do it in the mornings. She is only allowed to feed her jellybeans two days a week too and the other days she has to give her oatmeal flakes so she will sleep ;-)
Tonight, b/c Joy has been traveling from the North Pole all day, Tori-bug wrapped her up in her coat and put her in her bed to sleep with her. She wanted her to have a good night of rest all snuggled up beside her!
Spreading Christmas "JOY",
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Under CatieElf. They donate a part of their proceeds to CURE childhood cancer research.
Today, is going to be a relaxing day too. I am skipping church today since my back is out. Hoping to get a little laundry done, Christmas presents wrapped, and some homemade chicken stew for lunch prepared.
Enjoy your Sunday!!!
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Elf Magic?
Things are much more calmer here in now. I am thankful for that. I feel so blessed to have great BFF's that are there for me. Thank you Tammy and Marsha. We were able to get away Sat. for a shopping trip, which really helped my spirits out!! Things are still going to come up and my mom has an appt. on 12/3 with her pulmonologist so I know it is just the beginning of more things to come, but my mind is much better and I think I will be able to handle what comes. I needed to be able to set my ownself up for dealing with some future stresses when they do come. I am not really *worried* about my mom's appt. after getting my focus where it needed to be, but I would appreciate some prayers on her behalf when we speak to the doctor that day. We might consider putting her on hospice (not bc they think she will die necessarily), but to help my sister and I with her care. We have had lots of experience with hospice in the past and very recently with my grandfather in April and we were so much better equipped having them. I am a nurse, but I have my own family, stresses, full-time job, etc. and so does my sister. All the care falls on us. It might just help us not to have to bathe her ourselves, get her out to the doctors (especially in Winter months), and such. I will still continue to fix her meds, but a nurse would be able to come in weekly and monitor her and a tech could come bathe her for my sister. We will see......
Now, the real reason for my post is in regards to our Elf, (her name is Joy). If you have been following my blog for any length of time you know how this goes. A couple of years ago I read a blog about a little girl that had cancer. I still follow her site. She died after a long battle with the beast. Anyway, her mother always blogged about how in the month of December, Katie got to ask Santa for an elf to come visit with her for the holidays and all the fun and mischief that the elf got into. They were raising money for CURE, childhood cancer research. Tori-bug wrote a letter to Santa at Elf Magic and requested an elf. She came that first year, two years ago, named and with a box of oatmeal flakes and jellybeans. The letter from Santa said that she could stay her for the month, but on Christmas Eve she had to be placed under the tree to hop back on his sleigh to go back to the North Pole. Sometimes though, the elf gets into things at night and creates mischief while the family is asleep. If you don't care if she gets into mischief, you "feed" her a jellybean and if you don't want her to get into mischief she has to "eat" oatmeal flakes. The first year, I did really good and was really creative to come up with mischief. Last year, not so much. I only allowed Tori-bug to "give" her a jellybean two nights a week b/c sometimes she made a huge mess and I simply didn't have time to clean it up. Other nights, we would just find her in the freezer (bc it reminded her of the North Pole) or she would sometimes be laying in front of the TV, like she was watching a movie all night. Not too hard.... This year, I was considering her sending a note saying she was not going to come here and maybe she would go help someone else spread the magic of Christmas, with another family. My sister-in-law said I couldn't do that bc I had gotten it started way back when and I couldn't stop now. I just don't have any creative ideas for the "mischief" this year. Can you help me come up with something? If you have time, go back over last years posts from around this time of year and see what she has done before. I don't really want to do the same things over again. I have *some* ideas though. I think she might bake cookies one night and ask Tori-bug to take her and the cookies to the nursing home and pass them out. One night or day, she might make homemade dog treats and have Tori-bug drop them off at the vet or animal shelter. She is not only supposed to get into mischief, but help spread good cheer too. I want Tori-bug to learn the magic of Christmas and doing for others. It is fun to watch her wake up in the mornings and start immediately looking for her to see where she is. Last year, Joy (the elf) put a 4 ft. Christmas tree up in Tori-bug's room with ornaments all over it that said "Joy" and she was at the top, like a tree topper. That was really cool. She will show up this year on Dec. 1st. with a set of Christmas pajamas so i need at least 10-12 ideas. So, if you have anything creative for me to help spread good cheer or do something mischievous (without me getting caught), post it on here. There are websites that I have looked at for ideas, but some of the things are just not do-able for me. Come on, help me out..... and say a prayer for my mom's visit on Dec. 3rd if you remember.
Ready for the "magic" to begin,
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Peace and Understanding
My Tori-bug is practicing hard on her gymnastics. She only has about 6 weeks of practice left before the first meet. All of her skills are shaping up nicely. She was struggling with not wanting to jump to the high bar a few weeks ago. Now she is jumping with absolutely no problem. Her dismount still needs work. She is not getting enough height on it and is sometimes squatting or falling on the dismount. If her hands or bottom hit the mat it is counted as a fall. 5/10th. of a point off her score automatically. The rest of it looks pretty good. Her floor looks really good and she is mostly spot-on with the music. It needs to be tightened up some, i.e. hand placement and such. Her front handspring doesn't look as graceful as she needs it to, but she is landing it. Beam she was struggling on the full turn, but finally has it now too. A lot of the girls are having a hard time on beam with their cartwheels. This is our (parents) biggest event of concern. We know the girls will do well at meets on the other events, but since so many are struggling on beam we are worried. The girls have worked so hard and will continue to work hard until the meets. Hopefully, they will get the skills they need. I am so proud of every one of them.
Thanks for stopping by!
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Gratitude List
1. My husband-- for 18+ years he has been my rock. The other half of me that tells me, "everything is going to be okay". He is a great husband, father, and provider. I honestly couldn't have asked God for anyone better. He and his girls have a very special relationship. He still makes my heart go pitter-pat. I am blessed to have him in my life.
2. My beautiful girls---- Lyndsey is a good big sister. She has a smile that can light up a room. She is sweet and loving. Tori-bug is my sweet, high-spirited girl. She has the biggest dimple in her right cheek (thanks to her daddy!) She "rocks" at gymnastics. I am blessed to have them in my life.
3. My four-legged children. They love me unconditionally and I can tell them anything. *smiles* I am blessed to have them in my life.
4. My job and co-workers---- I work with some of the sweetest people. My bosses and office manager are Godly people that are always willing to lend an ear and Godly wisdom. It makes it easier to show up to work everyday. I am blessed to have them in my life.
5. My best friends---- Marsha and Tammy. Without even having to know what I am going through they are there for me. I know they are praying and when I get ready to talk they will be there. Friendships like these are hard to find and without looking for them we found it!! I am blessed to have them in my life.
6. My sister, Monica--- we haven't always been super-close but all the things our family has been through has pulled us together. We have a family bond and loyalty that is hard to beat. I am blessed to have her in my life.
7. My mom--- we have always been close and she is my world. I can't imagine my life without her but know that her health is not good. I am very protective of her and will always strive to do my best for her. I am blessed to have her in my life. Before I got married, I always thought that I could never love anyone more than I loved my mom. Then I met and married Kevin. Then, I thought there was no way I could ever love anyone more than I love him. Until, I got pregnant and had Tori-bug. I know that I really couldn't love anyone more than I love her, but I still love my mama A LOT!! All different kinds of love, but another thing on my gratitude list.....
9. My daddy--- I've always been closer to my mama than to my daddy, but there is a special bond between daddy's and daughter's. I am blessed to have him in my life.
10. My Faith--- Thank God for faith. I became a believer on April 9, 1984. Right before I turned 10 years old. I asked Jesus into my heart at a youth retreat. It was a day I will never forget. I am thankful that God doesn't keep score and allows us to make mistakes or sin, ask for forgiveness, and then wipes our slate clean. I am grateful for the gift of the Holy Spirit that nudges us to ask for that forgiveness when we do wrong. I wish that I could forgive and forget that easily when people wrong me. I am blessed to be able to be called a daughter of the King!!
I am doing better the past couple of days. I continue to strive to be the best me I can possibly be. I read a quote somewhere the other day that I totally needed and thought was extremely helpful. Here it is......
Faith is not necessary when you know how things are going to work out- that's knowledge. It's in the time of unknowing that having faith is what sees you through to the other side. Faith is what gives you strength. Faith is that light in your heart that keeps on shining even when it's all dark outside. Now is the time to keep that faith alive.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Here, but struggling
I am reminding myself how blessed I am. I have so much good in my life. I am thankful that I serve a risen Saviour who is in control. I am grateful that I can leave my burdens with Him, but I keep trying to figure out HOW to leave it. I don't want to be a "whoa is me" person. I don't want to be depressed. I don't want to be worried, but I am.
Hopefully, if you check back here next week I will be in a much better place emotionally and mentally. Going to talk to someone this week will help. Until then.......
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Parenting, Daughtering, Sistering
The hardest job in the world is being a parent.
Sometimes it is even hard being a sister.
I need prayers for my sanity. I found out this week that my mom's lung function is down to 18%. In 2006 she had 37%. She had been smoking last year too when she was near death in December. She was in ICU for 3 days. I called her lung specialist this week b/c my ex-aunt is near death with only 2 weeks to live with 13% of lung function. It scared me and made me realize that back in May I never asked what mom's percentage was when she had the lung function study repeated. The doctor just told us that it was significantly worse. My grandfather had just passed away so I never asked the percentage. I really think I would have lost it at that point to know. When I talked to her doctor's office this week the nurse told me and then said when mom comes in December that we might talk about putting her on hospice. I proceeded to tell her that mom was smoking again. My sister and I just discovered this. When I asked her why she was smoking she said it was stress, but that is untrue. When my grandfather passed away in April we moved her in with my biological sister since she has someone home a lot of the time and I work full-time. My sister does everything for her. She does her meals, baths, etc. I take mom to the doctor and fix her medicine weekly. She has no stress at my sister's house. The truth is that she is addicted to nicotine. She enjoys smoking. For a daughter, I don't get it. I can't see how she would want to die quicker. We know she isn't going to live a very long life, but we want her to get the most of what time she does have left. When the nurse mentioned hospice she didn't specify or speculate on the amount of time we are looking at. I don't think the doctor will in December or not, but we do know that if she smokes she can't make it long. She took Chantix, the smoking cessation pill about 3 months ago and did fabulous on it. When she was done with the 3 months she told me she didn't need it anymore, that she had no desires to smoke and I believed that she had totally quit. In fact, I am sure she did! Recently she started back. Needless to say I told her what the nurse had said (we have never kept anything from her and won't start now) and that she was going to go back on the Chantix, which she did. I hope it works again. I lost my grandmother 8 months before my grandfather and I can't bear to lose my mother.
Without going into details, I am also dealing with some issues with my daughter and my adopted sister. I am not going to go over it here but the two are mad at each other now. My head is filled with conflict, my heart is breaking. Over family, over parenting, over daughtering!!! I have asked many times over the past several weeks to please pray for me, but I am asking again. I feel so needy these days. I hardly ever even mention my own prayer concerns, but I think I need them again. I need to figure out the best way to have a relationship with all parties involved. I love my daughter. I love my mama. I love my sister.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Aunt Wendy
Friday, October 9, 2009
Monday, October 5, 2009
Updates, I guess
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Oh, to be 18 again!!
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Greetings from Heaven
Friday, August 21, 2009
Gymnastics update
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Just Here
I will do better at blogging soon hopefully. Thanks for check in!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
It's Saturday
Friday, August 7, 2009
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Please pray that it gets better quickly and can go back to gymnastics on Monday.
Her mommy will thank you for it.
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
I am back
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
My Tori-bug is loving her new team and teammates. She is learning all kinds of fun new stuff. She is learning her back walkover on beam (not the high beam yet)! I am really proud of her dedication. She is practicing really hard. Keep up the good work Tori-bug!!
Thanks for checking in on us! Talk to you soon!
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Look out, look out
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Father's Day
(not sure why I didn't get my sister in here)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Sunday, June 14, 2009
My sweet little 9-year-old
Letter to Tori:
I love you baby girl with all my heart. You will always be my baby girl. You were the best baby. You never cried except when you wanted to be fed or changed. You were a thumb sucker baby so you slept all night at 7 weeks old. You didn't need me to get and find you pacifier for you. Yeah, that definitely worked me for me. I love you Tori-bug more than any other thing.
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
The sun is shining
I couldn't remember if I had posted this picture so I put it up again. This was her coming home day. I just love this picture. Such a pretty girl!
Friday, May 29, 2009
Have a great weekend!!
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The days gone by
This is Memorial Day Weekend. My mom is coming over here for the weekend. My sister and her crew are going camping so mom gets to come over to stay with us. Well, technically she doesn't "have" to, but she chose to b/c she didn't want to go camping. We can hang out anyways. For that I am grateful for. Have a good weekend. Get out and enjoy the Springtime air (I probably won't, I'll be playing the Wii). Just kidding. Maybe we will cookout or something.
Friday, May 15, 2009
This Week


Thursday, May 7, 2009
Yay Me!!
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Who am I, that the Lord of all the earth
Would care to know my name
Would care to feel my hurt
Who am I, that the Bright and Morning Star
Would chose to light the way
For my ever wandering heart
Not because of who I am
But because of what You've done
Not because of what I've done
But because of who you are
I am a flower quickly fading
Here today and gone tomorrow
A wave tossed in th ocean
A vapor in the wind
Still You hear me when I'm calling
Lord, You catch me when I'm falling
And You've told me who I am
I am Yours, I am Yours
Thank you Jesus for telling Who I am!!!
Feeling blessed,
Sunday, April 26, 2009
8 Things I am Looking Forward To:
1. Getting our debt paid off (one credit card)
2. Watching my new baby niece grow up.
3. Summer.
4. My 17-year-old getting a job :-)
5. Being a stay-at-home mommy one day.
6. Buying a new car (sooner rather than later probably. Mine can't last much longer).
7. My husband's business raking in the dough (see #5)
8. Pain relief (stupid back pain!! Ugh!)
8 Things I Did Yesterday:
1. Took my dog to the groomer.
2. Went to the grocery store.
3. Loved on Leah and my Tori-bug.
4. Read.
5. Found my sister's dog a home.
6. Picked my dog back up.
7. Cooked out with my sister and the rest of the gang.
8. Went to bed rather early.
8 Things I wish I could do:
1. Get rid of this stupid backache that has lasted for 4 years.
2. Cure childhood cancer.
3. Pay off my house.
4. Wrinkle my nose and my house be spotless.
5. Be a stay-at-home mommy.
6. Buy a new car.
7. Go to the beach.
8. Have another week of vacation (since I didn't get to rest on mine last week).
8 Shows I Watch
1. Survivor
2. Deadliest Catch
3. The Biggest Loser
4. American Idol
5. Dr. Phil
6. Jon and Kate plus 8
7. Oprah
8. Live with Regis and Kelly (DVR everyday)
I am supposed to tag some people. So, I tag (although I think she might have already did the survey),
There you go.
Love to all,
P.S. My great aunt passed away about 2 hours ago. I don't know what is happening to my family. Good grief, we have been on a rollercoaster.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
The Best Birthday Present Ever
C.C. bonding with her new lil' angel. She is going to be a great mom and I am proud of her. I will help her in whatever I can. Since I work at the pediatrician's office she has a pediatric nurse at her fingertips all the time. My little finger is wrapped tightly though from that sweet precious baby girl already!!
Saturday, April 18, 2009
A Champion
One beaming mom,
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Just an update
Tori has her State Meet this Sat. at 5pm. I absolutely love gymnastics competition season, but I am rather glad it is coming to a close for now. She is leaving on Sunday to go to Disney World without me. I went ahead and took the week off from work though so I could catch up. My husband and I spent our 11th. wedding anniversary at the funeral home so we want to be able to do something together new week. I will do better at updating next week hopefully. Maybe I will be able to tell you that Tori-bug won State Champion then too.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
My Granddaddy
You may have called him Peanut, Wimp, daddy, brother, or uncle, but he was my granddaddy. I wanted to tell you a little bit about who my granddaddy was. When I was a young girl I stayed every weekend with Mama Jean and Granddaddy. I could have had sleep overs with my friends, but I chose to go to granddaddy's because they were my favorite people. I loved spending time with them. Granddaddy worked for Palm Harbor Homes and Mama Jean couldn't stay by herself when Mama Mae (my great-grandmother) would go to Johnny's for the weekend or to Florida so I stayed with her. On Friday nights when granddaddy got home from work, we would go to the steak house and eat supper. Granddaddy could hardly eat because he knew everybody that came in the door. On Sat. nights we went to John's BBQ. It was the same way there.
Granddaddy impacted my life. He taught me true love. Mama Jean had epilepsy and had seizures often. When she would have one, he would wrap his arms around her tightly so she wouldn't get hurt. On April 16, they would have been married for 60 years. Yesterday (April 4) was my 11th. wedding anniversary and I pray we will be together for 60 years. Granddaddy loved lots of things and people. He loved to fish. He loved to eat catfish, chicken stew, BBQ, moonpies, and oh yes, HUNNY BUNS!!! Granddaddy told everyone about his children, grandchildren, and great-grandchildren. He carried pictures around in his wallet for everyone to see. When I was 9 years old Granddaddy told everyone that I was his "little nurse". I would just beam. I knew from that moment on that I would go to nursing school. He was so proud of me when I graduated.
There was a movie out several years ago where a man died. His family said it was not goodbye because they would see him again someday, it was "See you later". So granddaddy, "I'll see you later". I love you and I will miss you from the bottom of my heart.
My grandparents were very special to me. I just lost my other grandmother (my dad's mom) 8 months ago. They were the last 2 alive and now I have lost both of them. We are going through some really trying times right now. Please keep lifting my family up in your prayers. I will be forever grateful.
Missing my granddaddy,
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Grandmother Whiddon

This is my husband's grandmother. Grandmother Whiddon is 94 years young and still finds time to sit down and play a game of checkers with her 8 year old great-granddaughter. I love that about Grandmother Whiddon. She is the most special lady you will ever meet. She always has a smile on her face. She does all her cooking and cleaning herself, has gorgeous flowers that she tends to, and occasionally a tomato plant or so. She got on a horse this year for her 94th. birthday. I will try to find the picture and post it. Grandmother Whiddon still drives too (although we'd rather she didn't b/c of the traffic on her road), but she does. She takes fresh cut flowers from her yard to all her friends when they are in the hospital, but she has outlived most of them now. She goes to church nearly every Sunday. That woman can do just about anything and with the right frame of mind. If you are ever down and out, all you have to do is go by and see her and when you do, you will find yourself smiling before you leave. We are fortunate to live directly behind her. We should stop by more often though. Thanks Grandmother Whiddon for showing my girl love, playing with her, and giggling the whole time when you let her beat you!!!
I love you so much!
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Stress, stress, and stress
My grandfather was diagnosed with advanced pancreatic cancer today. Not good!! I have been the caretaker for most of his and my mom's needs for the past 4 months. My mom nearly died back in December and she is doing somewhat better, but is still really sick. My grandfather complained of chest pain about a month ago on a Monday morning so we took him by ambulance to the hospital where he was admitted, cardiac cathed, and a stint was placed in his 95% blocked artery. He started looking jaundiced the day before that discharge, but nobody but us thought anything of it. He came home on Thursday. He was supposed to go to his regular doctor on Monday for bloodwork about that, but it snowed so we had to cancel it. He went on Wednesday instead. Thursday night they called my mom (who doesn't understand all the medical stuff much) to say that he was extremely jaundiced and he needed to be admitted immediately back into the hospital. I couldn't go that night so we took him the next morning. He was inpatient Friday, Sat., and Sunday. At discharge they told me that they had done some tumor markers on some blood work, but didn't have the results back yet. I was told to bring him to the gastroenterologist office in 3 weeks which we did today. She saw us and told him and me that he had extremely high levels of the tumor marker. Way off the chart so it is probably advanced stage. He has bad back pain, headaches, abdominal pain, nausea, etc. Now, all we can do is keep him comfortable. I am going to call hospice tomorrow to see if I can get that started. I am his main caregiver b/c I hold his power of attorney as well as my mom's. My younger sister at home is 19 and pregnant. She is due in 2-3 weeks. I need prayers for my family, for Pyper's family (she is doing some better), and for my peace of mind please. I will try to update again tomorrow when I get a chance.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Pray for Pyper
I was trying to come up with a creative way to raise some money for them. I, like everyone else don't have any extra money right now. With her daddy being 5 hrs. away he will need gas money to come visit on the weekends. I was thinking that I could collect loose change for them to use in the vending machines while inpatient or if I raise enough money to buy them a gas card or an American Express card to use whereever. I am going to put a change bucket in my Sunday School room at church for people to throw their loose change in to. If you feel so inclined and have a few extra coins laying around, bag it up, or take it to the bank and write a check, either to me (I promise I will give them every dime) or donate on her website at Suntrust Bank. Everyone has a few loose coins. If you would like to donate through me, just email me at: and I will give you my address. I want to collect change for the next 2 weeks and then take it to her. Mom would be so grateful. Let me know if you would like to help.